Posted in - Reviews
Review: Little Deviants
Accompanying any new system launch are games that like to show off what your shiny new piece of technology can do. For the Vita, Little Deviants is that game. In Little Deviants you take control of the titular characters playing …
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Ben Goes To Eurogamer Expo: Little Deviants and Super Stardust Delta
Ok, day two. Armed with a plan of attack and some comfortable shoes, I made a beeline for the Vita booth, where I was almost instantly allowed in, I suppose that’s what happens when you plan ahead. Once in, I …
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Posted in - Reviews
Review: Little Deviants
Accompanying any new system launch are games that like to show off what your shiny new piece of technology can do. For the Vita, Little Deviants is that game. In Little Deviants you take control of the titular characters playing …
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Ben Goes To Eurogamer Expo: Little Deviants and Super Stardust Delta
Ok, day two. Armed with a plan of attack and some comfortable shoes, I made a beeline for the Vita booth, where I was almost instantly allowed in, I suppose that’s what happens when you plan ahead. Once in, I …
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