Adventure Pop | PSNStores


February 17th, 2017

Posted in - Features - Media - PS4

Adventure Pop (PS4) Gameplay Glimpse

Gameplay Glimpse are 10-30 minute videos covering a recently released PS4/Vita game. Check out our playlist for more. Curtis pops some bubbles in this new Free-to-Play game on PS4.


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February 7th, 2017

Posted in - Podcast

Collin & Curtis In The Morning: Episode 69 – February PS+

This week we take a look at the February PS+ lineup. Curtis shares some quick thoughts on Gravity Rush 2 and Collin is getting into that Uncharted mobile game. RSS | iTunes News: forma.8 (PS4/Vita) Use Your Words (PS4) PS4 …


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February 17th, 2017

Posted in - Features - Media - PS4

Adventure Pop (PS4) Gameplay Glimpse

Gameplay Glimpse are 10-30 minute videos covering a recently released PS4/Vita game. Check out our playlist for more. Curtis pops some bubbles in this new Free-to-Play game on PS4.


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February 7th, 2017

Posted in - Podcast

Collin & Curtis In The Morning: Episode 69 – February PS+

This week we take a look at the February PS+ lineup. Curtis shares some quick thoughts on Gravity Rush 2 and Collin is getting into that Uncharted mobile game. RSS | iTunes News: forma.8 (PS4/Vita) Use Your Words (PS4) PS4 …


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