Review: Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013
Posted by Brad T on June 24th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalker 2013
Magic 2013 is quite similar to its two predecessors but having said that, any fan of the series will probably think about picking it up.
Single player offers four modes; Campaign, Revenge, Planechase, and Challenges. Work your way through the Campaign and you can unlock new decks. Planechase is this year’s standout new feature, offering you a completely different experience than I’ve ever seen with Magic. It revolves around a third deck that sets rules and stipulations to the battlefield. The mode is kind of a crapshoot with some strategies going out the window with a single lucky roll of the Planar Die. That said, the mode is a great time with a couple friends due to the chaos and crazy momentum swings it creates. With so many cards on the screen it is often tedious to try and select a card on the field to read. The game seems to only want you to read the cards it wants you to sometimes. Challenge mode puts you in super particular situations making you create complex strategies on the fly with what you have in your hand. It’s pretty difficult to novice players.
There isn’t anything particularly mind blowing about the visuals in this game, but the game does its best to showcase the unique illustrations of the cards, using many for loading screens. This game could kill for custom soundtrack support. Instead, you’re offered that medieval-fantasy-epic sound that’s accustomed with this series. Nothing riveting, but not to say it’s out of place either.
There’s a robust online multiplayer allowing 4 person matches with voice chat and oddly, Playstation Eye support. In place of the character avatar, it will replace it with a feed of your Playstation Eye. Kind of weird honestly, unless you want to catch your buddy on camera raging over the 22/22 trampler you just buffed up. There’s also leaderboard support and DLC, allowing you to unlock stuff by nickel and diming you. Two other neat things; you’ll get a code for a free foil card booster pack with a purchase of this game. And if you happen to own Magic 2012, you’ll have access to an extra deck unlock which is cool.
There are ten decks included which you unlock through campaign (or buying). Each has 30 extra cards for you to unlock which you can add to your deck or sideboard. As with the previous iterations it’s hardly the deck builder you’ve always wanted, but still allows for some minimal customization. Obviously they intend these titles to cut your teeth on the card game and then get you to run to your hobby shop and buy a couple decks and boosters. Pretty sure I still have my mono-white flyers and lifeburst deck floating around here, maybe I should dig it up…
A copy of this game was provided by the publisher for review purposes. For more info on our review policy click here. This review is for the PlayStation 3 version of the game.
General Info
- Developer: Stainless Games
- Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
- Release Date: June 2012
- Players: 1-2 (Local Coop), 1-4 (Online)
- Ratings: T
What I Like:
- Challenge mode
- Planechase mode
- Rules explained
What I Dislike:
- No deck builder
- No Custom Soundtracks
- Controls can be Obnoxious