PS4 | PSNStores - Part 21

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September 17th, 2014

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Review: Surgeon Simulator: A&E Anniversary Edition

In case you forgot about me raving about Surgeon Simulator 2013 Last year, I’m back to give you the skinny over the PS4 release of Surgeon Simulator Anniversary Edition.  It’s a great port, with added features that will keep you practicing …


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September 2nd, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Velocity 2X

Futurlab created a smash hit when they released Velocity on an unsuspecting, starving PlayStation Minis market. In relatively short time, they waxed it and rereleased it as Vita title Velocity Ultra. With Velocity 2X, the Brighton-based developers have warped their …


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August 19th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: The Last Tinker: City of Colors

The Last Tinker might appear to be a colorful 3D platformer, something we don’t get very much of these days, but it’s a game that tackles some rather serious subject matter. The Red, Green, and Blue districts have grown apart …


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August 15th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Crimsonland

Out first on PlayStation 4, Crimsonland is a Cross-Buy twin stick shooter also coming to Vita and PS3. With the Vita version just around the corner, PS4 will have to do for the purpose of this review. Developer 10tons Ltd. has …


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August 15th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Pure Pool

Pure Pool is VooFoo Studios (Hustle Kings) attempt at, as the name would imply, a ‘pure’ pool experience. This means that certain elements that you might find in a more arcadey version of pool are no longer present. This is …


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August 1st, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

In my review of the original Guacamelee!, I granted it the title for 2013’s game of the year. A year and a few months later, I’m glad I had the opportunity to play through the retooled version. Guacamelee! Super Turbo …


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July 29th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Rogue Legacy

In Rogue Legacy you can be a color blind barbarian who has an unnatural fear of chickens. You can be a giant spelunker with vertigo or even a paladin with irritable bowel syndrome. Rogue Legacy might pull you in with …


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July 9th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: R.B.I. Baseball 14

I definitely don’t mind reviewing all these retro remakes of classic NES and arcade games when they are good. R.B.I. Baseball 14 does have the official MLB player names, and unlike the original 80’s version, also has official MLB team names. However, it’s not at all to be …


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July 5th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: 1001 Spikes

This is a rough one, folks, not for the faint of heart. Off the bat, I need you all to know that 1001 Spikes kicked my ass for about a month straight. I kept coming back though, and, like DeNiro …


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June 30th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Worms Battlegrounds

The Worms franchise has more titles than you can count on both hands and feet on every gaming platform you can possibly imagine, and now here comes the first PS4 Worms game, Battlegrounds. Does it make any sort of advancement …


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September 17th, 2014

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Review: Surgeon Simulator: A&E Anniversary Edition

In case you forgot about me raving about Surgeon Simulator 2013 Last year, I’m back to give you the skinny over the PS4 release of Surgeon Simulator Anniversary Edition.  It’s a great port, with added features that will keep you practicing …


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September 2nd, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Velocity 2X

Futurlab created a smash hit when they released Velocity on an unsuspecting, starving PlayStation Minis market. In relatively short time, they waxed it and rereleased it as Vita title Velocity Ultra. With Velocity 2X, the Brighton-based developers have warped their …


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August 19th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: The Last Tinker: City of Colors

The Last Tinker might appear to be a colorful 3D platformer, something we don’t get very much of these days, but it’s a game that tackles some rather serious subject matter. The Red, Green, and Blue districts have grown apart …


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August 15th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Crimsonland

Out first on PlayStation 4, Crimsonland is a Cross-Buy twin stick shooter also coming to Vita and PS3. With the Vita version just around the corner, PS4 will have to do for the purpose of this review. Developer 10tons Ltd. has …


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August 15th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Pure Pool

Pure Pool is VooFoo Studios (Hustle Kings) attempt at, as the name would imply, a ‘pure’ pool experience. This means that certain elements that you might find in a more arcadey version of pool are no longer present. This is …


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August 1st, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

In my review of the original Guacamelee!, I granted it the title for 2013’s game of the year. A year and a few months later, I’m glad I had the opportunity to play through the retooled version. Guacamelee! Super Turbo …


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July 29th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Rogue Legacy

In Rogue Legacy you can be a color blind barbarian who has an unnatural fear of chickens. You can be a giant spelunker with vertigo or even a paladin with irritable bowel syndrome. Rogue Legacy might pull you in with …


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July 9th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: R.B.I. Baseball 14

I definitely don’t mind reviewing all these retro remakes of classic NES and arcade games when they are good. R.B.I. Baseball 14 does have the official MLB player names, and unlike the original 80’s version, also has official MLB team names. However, it’s not at all to be …


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July 5th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: 1001 Spikes

This is a rough one, folks, not for the faint of heart. Off the bat, I need you all to know that 1001 Spikes kicked my ass for about a month straight. I kept coming back though, and, like DeNiro …


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June 30th, 2014

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Worms Battlegrounds

The Worms franchise has more titles than you can count on both hands and feet on every gaming platform you can possibly imagine, and now here comes the first PS4 Worms game, Battlegrounds. Does it make any sort of advancement …


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