Collin & Curtis In The Morning: Episode 42 – Pre-E3 Special!
Posted by Curtis H on June 11th, 2016 | 0 Comments | Tags: Agents of Mayhem , Deus Ex Breach , Final Fantasy XII , Harmonix Music VR , Horizon Zero Dawn , How We Soar , Injustice 2 , Kingdom Hearts II.8 HD , Persona 5 , Rocket League , Statik , Street Fighter V , Tethered , Watch_Dogs 2 , World of Final Fantasy , XCOM 2 , Yooka-Laylee
This week’s podcast is the longest one we’ve ever done. In the first section we break down all of the news that broke this week from Agents of Mayhem to Andrew House’s confirmation of the PS4 Neo.
After that we head into the second section in which we discuss the Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Sony press conferences. We then go on to make some bold predictions for the show.
Agents of Mayhem
Horizon Zero Dawn
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
World of Final Fantasy
Persona 5
Kingdom Hearts II.8 HD
Injustice 2
How We Soar
Deus Ex Breach
Watch_Dogs 2
Harmonix Music VR
Rocket League – Neo Tokyo Map
Street Fighter V
PS4 Neo
Microsoft Conference: 1:06:40
Ubisoft Conference: 1:41:49
Sony Conference: 2:14:09
Red Dead and a few other misc. rumors: 3:09:40
Predictions: 3:16:13
The Legend of Zelda: 3:31:29
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