Chris vs. Get Fit With Mel B – Day 5
Posted by Chris K on November 5th, 2010 | 1 Comment | Tags: Get Fit with Mel B
Like I said yesterday, I was going to do some experimenting today. So I decided to stop using the resistance bands altogether, well just for today. I wanted to see how the game would change the work-out up.
So instead of doing all the chest flys, tricep extensions, and bicep curls that I did yesterday I was relegated to doing mostly squats today. They also added in some push-ups or as the game calls them “press ups”. I also noticed a far more intensive core workout. I did three sets of crunches, 2 sets of see-saws, and two sets of elbow to opposite knee crunches. I could really feel after I finished.
I was a little pissed that the game didn’t register some of my push-ups though. I was doing them perfectly :(. I also noticed a new feature today. After I completed my work-out it asked me to rate how difficult each of the exercises that I did today were. Usually it just asks about the entire work-out. I told it push-ups were too easy, so hopefully tomorrow I will get some harder push-ups!
Here are the stats from today:
Tomorrow I am going to do a 15 minute workout then try one of the challenges out.