Days of Thunder: NASCAR Edition
Posted by Eric G on October 5th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Days of Thunder: NASCAR Edition , Paramount Digital Entertainment , Screens , Tom Cruise
Not too long after the ill-fated release of Top Gun, Paramount Digital Entertainment is at it again with another Tom Cruise classic flick adapted for the PlayStation Network. Days of Thunder: NASCAR Edition is a stock car arcade racer that will feature 12 actual NASCAR drivers. 4 of the drivers’ profiles have been released today:
To boot, drivers from the Days of Thunder film will be selectable. The different single-player modes include Quick Race, Time Trial, Career Mode, and Derby Mode. You’ll also be able to race online with up to 11 of your friends. Are you ready for a white-knuckle thrill ride this fall? Are you? Are you ready to CRUISE LIKE THUNDER!? I just hope the love story translates. I don’t know if I can drive without the reassurance of my hot doctor. It’s only a matter of time before Cocktail comes out with PS Move support.