Under Siege Editor Video | PSNStores

Under Siege Editor Video

Posted by on August 13th, 2010 | 3 Comments | Tags: ,

The official website for Under Siege launched earlier today and with that comes a load of information about the game. You can read up on the units in the game and also a little bit about the story. It seems that they are still holding some information back too, much like with the Smash Brothers Dojo (not all of the units were viewable at this time).

As we have mentioned before the game features pretty much every possible thing you can have in a PSN game (XMB screenshots, uploading video, trophies, custom soundtracks, Move support, voice and video chat, etc). The game also has a full in-game editor, which is what the team used to build all the levels in the game. The video above is detailing a little bit about how it works.

Looking forward to seeing more of this game when it launches later this year.