VEMPIRE Code Giveaway | PSNStores

VEMPIRE Code Giveaway

Posted by on October 20th, 2009 | 71 Comments | Tags: , ,

Sony launched the PSP Minis on October 1st and some seem to think they forgot about them in America already. Well on Thursday October 22nd(This week!) Impressionware will be releasing Vempire on the US Store. Luigi Fumero and the kind  folks over at Impressionware were kind enough to give us some codes to giveaway.

The rules are simple. Leave a comment on this story and we’ll gather everyone’s name (one entry per person) after 48 hours and pick names at random. The winner will be emailed the code through the email address used to comment. Later in the week we’ll also be giving away a code or two via our twitter. Make sure you check back on Wednesday for our full review of Vempire.

P.S. The codes will only work on a UK or AU account.

Update: Congratulations to Cuong, Goldrusher, Joe, and Killquick. You should receive an e-mail with your code sometime tonight or tomorrow.

If you didn’t win, don’t give up hope. We will be giving away 1 more code tomorrow on the Twitter account.