On Sale This Week – May 25th Edition | PSNStores

On Sale This Week – May 25th Edition

Posted by on May 25th, 2010 | 3 Comments | Tags: , ,

The PSN Store will be updating in a few hours and we already know a few items that will be on sale. First up is Wakeboarding HD. We were a bit down on this title when we reviewed it because of its high price ($14.99). Well today you can purchase it at a much easier to shallow $7.49.

Next up we have Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. This game will also be 50% off in preparation for the 2010 World Cup. What do soccer and Rocker-Powered Battle-Cars have in common? A soccer mini game, duh. I have heard great things about this game, and I think it is hard to pass it up for $4.99.

Well that is what we know so far. If I see anything else I will add it.