Deep Silver reveals new trailer for Sacred 3 coming to PS3 August 26th
Posted by Nick K on March 19th, 2014 | 2 Comments | Tags: Sacred 3
Deep Silver has hacked together a new trailer for the next installment in the Sacred lineage of games. Sacred 3 will slash its way onto PlayStation 3 on August 26th. Play the game as one of five character classes, some which come from Sacred Citadel released last year, but one of which is new for Sacred 3 called the Malakhim.
One welcomed feature is the drop-in/drop-out coop multiplayer including two-player local offline and four-player online via PSN. Ryan Avery from Deep Silver assures everyone that the game is also enjoyable by oneself. With an Ancaria in turmoil after many years have passed and an evil Ashen Empire has risen to power, who amongst you will rise to be a hero?