Blood of the Werewolf Coming Soon, Streaming Sooner | PSNStores

Blood of the Werewolf Coming Soon, Streaming Sooner

Posted by on January 31st, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

  • Update: The BotW stream will start at 5PM EST at Scientifically Proven’s JTV Channel.
  • One of the handful of titles I’m truly looking forward to is Blood of the Werewolf. The sidescrolling action-platformer from Scientifically Proven and Midnight City is nearing its release window on the PlayStation Network (Q2 2014).

    To promote their upcoming launch, Scientifically Proven will be hosting a livestreaming session on their Justin.tv channel. I’ll update this post with a specific time when I get that information. I imagine they’re planning on streaming around 7-9PM EST.

    The game is currently available on Steam, and a whopping 75% discount can be had by those who visit Daily Royale. You may want to hold out though, as the PSN release will be strapped with some new content including a procedurally generated Endless Challenge mode.