Bloober Team delays PS4-exclusive Basement Crawl
Posted by Nick K on January 29th, 2014 | 6 Comments | Tags: Basement Crawl
We’ve talked about Basement Crawl for PlayStation 4 quite a bit here on PSNStores, and today the developer has made it public that the game will not be released next week as anticipated. Bloober Team’s CEO Piotr Babieno talks about the developers sudden change:
While the completed version of Basement Crawl was prepped for launch during the last week, several exciting opportunities to partner with major industry players to enhance, refine and add-to the game arose. Although a difficult decision, we decided that the best choice for us, as a team, was to delay Basement Crawl so that we could take full advantage of these opportunities. We will be able leverage those new partnerships to further grow and improve the game while still providing an amazingly fun multiplayer experience for PS4 owners. We’ll be able to announce more details in the days and weeks to come.
It’s difficult to imagine what these who these mysterious partners are and what this exciting opportunity is. Could it be a cross-promotion of some kind? Babieno mentions the partnership(s) with major industry players will “enhance, refine and add-to the game.” Maybe a partnership with Capcom to skin the game with assets from Resident Evil, or maybe it’s just to integrate catchy and completely appropriate in-game advertising.
Whatever it may be, let me be the first to suggest that our interest is peaked if not just a bit more than before. Stay tuned for more information about the PS4-exclusive Bomberman-meets-your-nightmares game, Basement Crawl, as it comes in.