PSNStores Giveaway: Let’s Fish! Hooked On t-shirts [CLOSED] | PSNStores

PSNStores Giveaway: Let’s Fish! Hooked On t-shirts [CLOSED]

Posted by on December 11th, 2013 | 12 Comments | Tags: ,

In an effort to raise awareness for the recent price drop for Let’s Fish! Hooked On ($9.99), Wired Productions has sent us some t-shirts to giveaway and a few exclusive tips videos to share with the world. Have you been catching all the big fish already, or looking for a fishing game on Vita that costs less than $10?

This first tip video informs on how to choose the right lure and use it to catch a fish. While the lure itself is very important, so is getting the attention of the fish after having cast the lure. This is just the first of three tips videos. Conveniently, we have three snazzy Let’s Fish! Hooked On t-shirts to give away.

So what do you have to do to win one? We will give one shirt away to one lucky commenter in each of the three video posts, this being the first. The second tip video and contest will go up over the weekend, and the last one early next week. At some point this weekend, we will stream the game on our Twitch channel for all to see the skills learned from these handy videos.


Here are the rules:

  • This contest is open to anyone in North America, this includes you Canada
  • Watch the video embedded above and leave a comment down below
  • On Twitter, tweet the following: @psnstores @LetsFishGame I want that fishy blonde shirt #PSNStoresLetsFish
  • or on Google+, share the following: +psnstores I want that fishy blonde shirt #PSNStoresLetsFish
  • Winner to be chosen at random

In your comment, tell us if you’ve played the game already, what you think of it or if you’ve been thinking about picking it up. I’ll announce the winner in each post when the next one goes up and they’ll be contacted through Twitter or Google+ according, so make sure you’re following or circling @PSNStores and +PSNStores respectively.

If you’d like to see what we thought of the Let’s Fish! Hooked On for Vita, be sure to check out Nick’s (that’s me!) review here. Good luck!

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who tweeted and Googled us. The winner of the first t-shirt is Cengiz Ergin from his Google+ share. We’ll give him 24 hrs. to get back to us before picking a replacement winner.