E3 2013: Contrast Teased for Vita and PS4
Posted by angelcruz2241991 on June 11th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags: Compulsion Games , Contrast , E3 2013
The developers at Compulsion Games have announced that their platformer Contrast will be coming to PlayStation 4 and Vita probably sometime this year. Contrast is a 2D platformer about a girl named Dawn, who is going to help out a kid named Didi. This somehow takes her through the world of Contrast, as she jumps her way across buildings. Through the power of special effects, she is able to switch between being her shadow and her regular self at will. This makes for an interesting concept, especially for a platformer like this.
The game has already been Greenlit for Steam, so it must be pretty far down the pipeline for PSN. Contrast will available on Vita and PS4 sometime soon.