PlayStation Store Sneak Peek: April 23rd 2013
Posted by Chris K on April 18th, 2013 | 11 Comments | Tags: Sneak Peek
Note all content is subject to change. Be sure to check out our Upcoming Games list for all the latest release dates on PSN content. Also, remember this list is for the North American PlayStation Store.
Will update when more information becomes available.
PSN Games
God Mode
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy)
PS3 Games
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII
Dead Island: Riptide
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce
Soul Calibur V
Star Trek: The Game
PS2 Games
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
Vita Games
Draw Slasher
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy)
PSP Games
Black Rock Shooter
PlayStation Mobile Games
Kung Fu FIGHT! (it usually takes 2 weeks for a game to release after approval)
Assassin’s Creed 3
Dead Island: Riptide – Survivor Pack and Fashion Victim Pack
Thomas Was Alone – Benjamin’s Flight DLC
Tomb Raider – Caves and Cliff’s MP Pack
LBP Karting: Bioshock Infinite Costumes
Sales/Price Drops
Resident Evil franchise sale
[Source: Our List and The PlayStation Blogcast]