Black Rock Shooter Coming To US PSN On April 23rd
Posted by Chris K on April 5th, 2013 | 1 Comment | Tags: Black Rock Shooter
If you thought the PSP was dead, think again. NIS America will be releasing Black Rock Shooter, a Japanese RPG, on PlayStation Network on April 23rd in the US, with certain countries in Europe seeing the game a day later. If you live in Canada or Mexico the game won’t be sold due to licensing issues.
In Black Rock Shooter the Earth is being battling aliens for the past 19 years. The Black Rock Shooter, a girl with superhuman abilities and cyber weaponry is Earth’s last hope.
We don’t have a price yet, but I was told by NISA that “it shouldn’t have any problems working on the PSVita!” But knowing Sony it probably can’t be confirmed until the game releases.