Germinator Launches On PS3 and PSVita Next Week | PSNStores

Germinator Launches On PS3 and PSVita Next Week

Posted by on February 28th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Creat Studios announced today that Germinator will be launching March 5th on both the PS3 and the PSVita in the US. The Vita version of the game will be available one day later for those of you in Europe which marks just three weeks since the release of the PS3 version of the game.

Germinator features Youtube video sharing as well as PlayStation Move support for the PS3 version of the game while those who own both will be able to take advantage of cross-save functionality. While the game isn’t cross-buy (#YOPO) you will be able to buy the games in a discounted bundle or separately. Each game will be available for $9.99/€9.99/₤7.99 individually or $14.99/€14.99/₤11.99 for the bundle.

Above you can see a short video demonstration of the Vita version of Germinator.