Rainbow Skies Is Coming To “Consoles and Handhelds” In 2014
Posted by Curtis H on February 21st, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags: Rainbow Skies
You guys remember Rainbow Moon right? Now other than a Vita version of the game still scheduled for release sometime this year it looks like eastasiasoft is currently working on a successor to Rainbow Moon which was just announced right around a half hour ago.
Rainbow Skies takes place in a new world and features a new story and new characters. Details are a bit vague at the moment but Rainbow Skies will see advancements to the core Rainbow Moon gameplay such as allowing players to capture monsters which can eventually be used for battle. Another addition that stands out to me is that Rainbow Skies features an ‘improved side quest system’. One of my biggest problems with the first game of course being the repetitious nature of the game’s side quests.
Now of course details for Rainbow Skies remain vague and we probably won’t learn anything concrete for quite some time. The game isn’t scheduled for release until next year after all. Announcing the game for ‘consoles and handhelds’ leaves room for speculation though I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that’ll mean PSN with either PS3 or PS4 (maybe?) and Vita. For all the problems I may have had with Rainbow Moon I’m willing to give this one a fair shake if it improves on the weaker areas of Rainbow Moon. That remains to be seen. I’ll be sure to report any updates as we get them over the coming year.