EU Gets PlayStation Home Arcade App | PSNStores

EU Gets PlayStation Home Arcade App

Posted by on December 27th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags:

The Vita is becoming somewhat of an emulation station as more alternative gaming platforms add their support to the standard Vita gaming fare. Now Europe can download a free app that allows access to paid PlayStation Home mini-games with Cross Buy entitlement. #YOPO

PushSquare reports that the Google Blogger source site PSVita Roundup has uncovered the app by way of the Vita EU PlayStation Store. The PlayStation Home Arcade is a 108 MB download that offers access to three Home mini-games: Scribble Shooter, WipEout 2D, and Ice Breaker.

All we have on the app right now is an image of its presence in the store and this Frenchman’s video. PSNStores will let you know if we find out anything more about this app and whether its destined to come stateside.

[Source: PS Vita Roundup]