Johann Sebastian Joust, BaraBariBall, Super Pole Riders & Hokra Coming To PSN As Sportsfriends!
Posted by Chris K on November 8th, 2012 | 4 Comments | Tags: BaraBariBall , Hokra , Johann Sebastian Joust , SPORTSFRIENDS , Super Pole Riders
The newest of games partially funded by Sony’s Pub Fund has been announced today with Sportsfriends. Sportsfriends is a compilation of 4 indie titles: Johann Sebastian Joust, BaraBariBall, Super Pole Riders & Hokra and is due out in Fall 2013.
Here is a brief look at each of these:
• Johann Sebastian Joust
• BaraBariBall
• Super Pole Riders
• Hokra
Not only will PlayStation gamers get all 4 of these titles, but they will be improved versions. So it isn’t simply just porting them over. You can preorder the game right now if you back it with KickStarter.
If this game is part of Pub Fund, “Why does it need KickStarter?” you might ask. Well that Pub Fund money only covers a small part of the project.
But we’re still far short of the funds we need to port the games and wrap them together in one package. The fact is, our four games don’t look or play like most console titles. We need your help and support to get us to the finish line and to prove that, yes, people are interested in these games.
We will be sure to give you more news about Sportsfriends when we get it.