NYCC: Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken (Vita) [Offscreen] | PSNStores

NYCC: Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken (Vita) [Offscreen]

Posted by on October 12th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Tags:

Eric and Elle got some hands-on time with Rocketbirds for Vita yesterday at New York Comic Con. While you will have to wait a bit to read Eric’s impressions, they did send me this video of them playing it.

You can notice some of the enhancements made for the Vita version, like tilting the screen to slightly change the perspective. The game sure does look great on that OLED screen too. From what we heard back at PAX, look for Rocketbirds on your Vita sometime in 2013.

If you dig the music in the background you can buy the full album here.