Realms of Ancient War Coming To PSN This Month
Posted by Chris K on September 4th, 2012 | 1 Comment | Tags: Realms of Ancient War
We got word today that Realms of Ancient War, R.A.W. for short, will be making its way to the PlayStation Network this month.
Slated to come out on September 19th for the European PlayStation store, R.A.W. is a hack-and-slash set in a fantasy universe. We showcased the Warrior a few months back and we knew about the Wizard, but today we got the first look at the Rogue.
I haven’t mentioned a date for the US release yet, as the press release we received today mentioned a Thursday release date. I am sure all of you remember back when we got games on Thursday but I am holding off on posted a date until I get confirmation. Look for an update soon.