PS3 Firmware 3.15 Coming Soon
Posted by Chris K on December 8th, 2009 | 4 Comments | Tags: firmware , Minis
There were rumors going around last week about PSP minis becoming playable on PS3. Well it looks like that is in fact true. James Thrope from the EU PlayStation Blog dropped some knowledge on us.
We launched minis for PSP back in October but from the 17th December you will be able to enjoy these bite size games on your PS3 as well as your PSP. This firmware update allows the minis emulator to work on PS3 and we are working on getting the majority of the current minis ready for the PS3 from the 17th December.
If you buy a minis game from the 17th it will work on both platforms so if you have a PS3 and a PSP you will only need to buy it once and it will be available to download to your PS3 and your PSP.
If you have already bought a mini for PSP and want to get it on your PS3 as well, just go to your download list in the Store and download it again for free. The game will then work on your PS3 as well. Simple!
It is unknown at this time whether the games will be stretched to fit the PS3 screen. At worst we can expect a border like on the old Super GameBoy.
That isn’t the only thing coming with this newest firmware update.
This feature enables you to easily transfer all of your saved data from one PS3 to another. So if you decide to get a new PS3 you can make sure you don’t loose any of your existing content. Content such as games, game save data, and videos downloaded from PlayStation Network can be transferred to the new PS3 system and deleted from the current PS3. Other content, including personal media files (photos, music, videos), can be copied onto the new PS3 and remain on the current PS3 system.
Just a little thing I noticed with the minis. It seems that the hooks for all this playback on the PS3 are already on systems. Kahoots, a game released 2 weeks ago, can be booted on PS3 currently on 3.10. The only problem is that you are met with an error message. All other minis titles will not even boot, they will only allow the owner to copy over to a PSP.