PSP Comic Service Launch Date Announced For Japan | PSNStores

PSP Comic Service Launch Date Announced For Japan

Posted by on November 18th, 2009 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

Manga fanatics rejoice! Starting on December 10th you will be able to buy comics from the Japanese PSN Store. The pricing seems to be ¥420 (roughly $5) for a volume or you can buy it by the chapter for ¥50-¥150 (roughly $0.75-$1.75).

To be able to read the comics you will need a PSP, any version from PSP1000 – PSPgo will work. This Thursday there will be a software update for PSP (v6.20) which adds the Extra category on the XMB. From the Extra category you will be able to download the Comic Reader if you want to.

No date has been announced for the comic service outside of Japan yet, but I assume we will be hearing from Sony about this very soon.

Update: The US and EU Comics store will be launching a little bit after the Japanese store. Details on the pricing for these stores will be announced soon, but we do know that it is up to the publisher to decide.

The Reader is out, want free comics?

via Sony Japan