Updates: New PixelJunk Shooter 2 Online Battle Stage Inbound
Posted by Chris K on July 14th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: PixelJunk Shooter 2 , Q-Games
Update 2: Looks like the new map will be available for all leagues, Asteroid through Sun. Demo players will even be in on the new map.
Update: Looks like the new map will be up later tonight per Dylan Cuthbert on twitter. I have also learned that the Q Games staff will be on tomorrow night (Friday) at 7pm pacific. I should have a full list of PSN IDs later tonight.
I think you all are well aware of my love for the online battle mode in PixelJunk Shooter 2. So it won’t be a surprise that I am super pumped about this announcement.
I was making my daily rounds online when I saw a new bulletin go across the bottom screen. Stating that there is a new map in town and it is called “Blocked!”. From the name it sounds like it is another stage with the falling blocks you encounter when using the Hungry Suit.
In addition to the new level announcement, Q-Games staff will be playing online this weekend. So go download the demo if you haven’t already and try this game out.
I am working on grabbing a screen of the announcement so look for an update later.