A Message from the PSNStores Staff
Posted by Editors on July 31st, 2017 | 12 Comments | Tags: PSNStores
You may have noticed that we’ve slowed up a bit over the last few months. We’re all right. You’re all right. Knack’s all right.
If you didn’t know, PSNStores.com has always been composed of a small group of passionate (volunteer) games journalists. For a while now, we’ve been about five people large. We all have jobs and other responsibilities, and over the years, those responsibilities have demanded more of our time. It has become difficult to devote the proper time needed to run a kickass games site. From here on out, you may not see many:
- Reviews
- Previews
- Gameplay Glimpses/Videos
- Store Updates/Sneak Peaks
- Live Streams
- Regular Podcasts
- Event Coverage
- Interviews
We are planning on getting the Podcats together for a farewell episode. If you follow us on Twitter, you can keep in touch with that news as well as our other, separate shenanigans.
Brad, Chris, Collin, Curtis, and Eric
We may also post a podcast discussion or an article now and again. The transition has been tough for us. We really like PSN games and we really liked covering them. Thanks for following us throughout the years!