Full Mojo Rampage Coming to PS4
Posted by Eric G on September 4th, 2015 | 0 Comments | Tags: Full Mojo Rampage , Over The Top Games
The 4-player twin-stick roguelite Full Mojo Rampage should be releasing on PS4 before the year is through. In this voodoo adventure game, you play as an apprentice performing deeds to appease “Loa”, the gods of this realm.
There are over 100 different mojos (equippable items) to find and each level is randomly generated. There’s also a Rogue Legacy-type mechanic where your gold and experience persist through death. Single player modes include Campaign, Daily Quest, Survival, and Survival Unlimited. Multiplayer is either coopoerative or competitive (Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, or King of Mojo).
I’m always down for some multiplayer twin-stick adventuring. Looking forward to this in the coming months. Has anyone played the Steam version, released in May of 2014? It’s got some impressively high ratings (88% positive).
Fun fact: Over the Top Games developed The Fancy Pants Adventures, a stellar platformer if I do say so myself.