PlayStation Store Sneak Peek: May 26th 2015
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on May 21st, 2015 | 2 Comments | Tags: Sneak Peek
Be sure to check out our Upcoming Games list for all the latest release dates on PSN content. Also, remember this list is for the North American PlayStation Store and is subject to change. If you are looking for PlayStation Mobile releases, check this tag.
PSone Classic
Mega Man 8 (Wednesday release)
PS4 Games
Arcade Archives Crazy Climber
Arcade Archives Ninja Kid
Badlands: Game of the Year Edition
Magicka 2
Roundabout (Possible Wednesday release)
Ultra Street Fighter IV
PS3 Games
Badlands: Game of the Year Edition
Weird Park: The Final Show
Vita Games
Badlands: Game of the Year Edition
Invizimals: The Resistance
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Roundabout (Possible Wednesday release)
Vitamin Z (Possible Wednesday release)
[Source: Our Internal List and the Blogcast]