Mega Man X4 and X5 Become PSone Classics in North America
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on August 26th, 2014 | 2 Comments | Tags: Mega Man X4 , Mega Man X5 , PSone Classics
Capcom announced today that they’re bringing two more of Mega Man’s previous adventures to the North American PlayStation Store. Originally released in 1997 and 2000, Mega Man X4 and X5 will be available to download as PSone Classics on September 2nd and 9th, respectively. Capcom are stressing compatibility with PS3 and PS Vita, but I’m sure those still rocking a PSP won’t be left out.
These two entries in the X subseries add to the ever expanding collection of Mega Man on PSN. PSone’s Mega Man 1-4, PSP’s Maverick Hunter X as well as PS3’s Mega Man 9 and 10 are all parts of the Blue Bomber’s history that you can find on the store. There’s plenty of other releases in the franchise that are still not available digitally in North America. Capcom have claimed that various issues are preventing Mega Man Legends and Powered Up from appearing in their original incarnations.
Yes, X4 is the “WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR” (spoiler warning) game.
[Source: Capcom Unity]