Minecraft Is Heading To PS4 And Vita This August; Supports Upgrade On PS4 And Cross-Buy PS3/Vita
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on May 22nd, 2014 | 2 Comments | Tags: 4J Studios , MineCraft , Mojang
Sony, Mojang, and 4J Studios announced that Minecraft would be coming to the entire PlayStation family last August at Gamescom, and while the PS3 version launched in August owners of Sony’s latest platforms were left out, until now. In a blog post on Mojang’s website, CWO Owen Hill revealed both versions of the game will launch sometime in August. He then went into detail on the individual features list:
- Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will be available on the PSN in August.
- It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version, including online play, on Vita.
- If you’ve bought Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition from PSN you’ll be able to upgrade for free.
- We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 3 and Vita. We’ll have more info on this closer to release.
- This means everyone who has bought Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition from PSN will get it on Vita for free. Those fluent in Sony-speak might refer to the deal as “Cross-buy.”
- Minecraft: Playstation 3 + Vita Edition will cost $19.99.
- It doesn’t matter if you buy for PS3 or Vita first, you own the game for both platforms.
- Saves are transferrable between the Playstation 3 and Vita versions of Minecraft. You will be able to craft at home on your Playstation 3, then continue on the bus/toilet with your Playstation Vita.
- All of the DLC you’ve purchased for Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition will work on Playstation 3 + Vita Edition.
- Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition will be released on the PSN in August. It brings significantly bigger worlds and a greater draw distance than Playstation 3 + Vita Edition.
- It will include all the features from the most recent Playstation 3 version.
- Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition will cost $19.99.
- If you’ve Playstation 3 Edition from the Playstation Network you will be able to upgrade for $4.99.
- You will be able to upgrade for a minimum of a year after the release date.
- We are working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment to look into ways to enable upgrade from the Blu-ray disc version of Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition to Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition. We’ll have more info on this closer to release.
- Players with Playstation 3 Edition or Playstation 3 + Vita Edition saves will be able to import their worlds to Playstation 4. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to transfer your saves from Playstation 4 to Playstation 3/Vita. There are technical reasons for this; we can make worlds bigger without too much stress, but shrinking them causes all kinds of problems.
- Cross-platform play will not be possible between Playstation 3 + Vita Edition and Playstation 4 Edition.
- Many, but not all, of the DLC skins and texture packs you’ve purchased for Playstation 3 Edition will be available for use in Playstation 4 Edition. We’d like to say all your DLC would transfer but some of the items are trapped in licensing deals that are too boring to get into here. We’ll have more on this soon.
I have to admit that I’m genuinely surprised at the Cross-Buy for PS3 and Vita users. Minecraft is a phenomenon that people likely would’ve rebought to play on a handheld.