Mojang talks Minecraft on PS4 and Vita
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on April 26th, 2014 | 2 Comments | Tags: MineCraft
With Minecraft on PS3 already dominating the charts, it’s naturally time for Mojang and 4J Studios to move onto the current gen versions. Responding to comments on the PlayStation Blog, Mojang’s Owen Hill took some time to field questions about the PS4 and PS Vita versions of Minecraft. He says the team is aiming to get them out within the second or third quarter of this year.

4J Studios recently teased the PS4 and Vita versions of Minecraft on Twitter.
Speaking about the PlayStation 4 build, Owen expects the platform to have “infinite worlds” and the ability to import save data from the PS3 version. But the PS4 version won’t support keyboard and mouse controls.
The Vita version will be closer to the console builds than Minecraft: Pocket Edition, and should have content parity with whatever version is out on home consoles. While Owen hasn’t played the Vita version, he expects the frame rate to be “lovely and smooth”. The team at 4J is looking to see if it’s possible to import PS3/PS4 saves into the Vita version. Due to the endless worlds on PS4, at best I’d hope for PS3 save compatibility. Lastly, there seems to be some doubt on if this version of the game will see a retail release. The idea of a Minecraft-themed Vita bundle seemed to be alluring, though.
Those looking for information about Cross-Buy/Upgrade Programs for both the game and the DLC will have to wait a bit longer. Owen says they’ll have news on that soon.
Personally, I’d really like Minecraft on PS4/PS3 to support Cross-Controller. It’s kind of an underutilized feature, but with Minecraft I can see it being desirable. Imagine having all of the HUD elements, as well as the crafting moved to Vita’s screen while your TV is set for exploring. A certain other platform from some Japanese company would be able to replicate that perfectly, but Minecraft hasn’t been announced for it.
[Source: PlayStation Blog, PlayStation Blog EU]
[Via: CVG]