Kick-Ass 2 comes to PS3 in May | PSNStores

Kick-Ass 2 comes to PS3 in May

Posted by on April 23rd, 2014 | 3 Comments | Tags: , ,

It’s been about four years since the first video game adaptation of the films based on Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass comic book series hit the PlayStation Network, and now the second film’s video game is hitting PS3. Freedom Factory Studios and UIG Entertainment announced that the action adventure/beat ’em up game would launch sometime in May, and feature finishing moves from both the films, and the comics. The game has players play with the main character of the movie and take on their arch-nemesis, “The Motherfucker”!

That’s all of the info I have on Kick-Ass 2.

Most movie games come out within a striking distance of the film’s release date. The Kick-Ass 2 movie came out last August, and I’m not sure the time between the two have helped the video game’s development …