PlayStation Mobile updated ahead of PSN, Console Saga is here!
Posted by Nick K on March 12th, 2014 | 3 Comments | Tags: Console Saga
Yesterday, the PlayStation Twitter account announced it would be delaying the Tuesday PlayStation Store update for a few hours. That has since turned into a whole day as we sit and wait for the store to update on a Wednesday. In the meantime, the PlayStation Mobile storefront updated with several new games in tow.
One of which is from our friend Thomas Hopper called Console Saga, and it has released today for PlayStation Mobile on Vita for $4.29. If you have the time and would like to learn more about the man behind the game as well as the game itself, do check out our Google Hangout.
We will have more on the game soon so stay tuned, err bookmarked, here at PSNStores. Tell me, how are you coping with the recent PlayStation Store delay?