PS4-exclusive Basement Crawl confirms a price and release date for North America and Europe
Posted by Nick K on February 20th, 2014 | 5 Comments | Tags: Basement Crawl
Blooper Team delayed Basement Crawl once already and now they are clearing the air to announce when it’s arriving, with what, and for how much. Piotr Babieno, CEO, Bloober Team had this to say about the game:
After our slight delay, we’re truly excited to deliver a completed and enhanced Basement Crawl to the more than 5.3 million PlayStation 4 owners around the world. There really is no other game like Basement Crawl, a game that both revives the classic fun of crushing your friends face-to-face while also allowing international battles for supremacy. If you want to prove you’re a better gamer than your friends, Basement Crawl is the ultimate measure.
The Bomberman formula is masked by a hue of four different creepy family-unfriendly characters and nine equally disturbing arenas. The most beautiful (sounding) aspect of the game is the four-player local, eight-player online, and 4-player local vs. 4-player online multiplayer maze-filled skirmishes.
On February 25th in North America and February 26th in Europe, Basement Crawl will arrive as a PS4-exclusive at the reasonable price of $9.99/€9.99 /₤7.99 respectively. Unfortunately, no specifics were given explaining in detail what the delay meant for this to be “a completed and enhanced Basement Crawl.”