Welcome to the new PSNStores!
Posted by Curtis H on January 22nd, 2014 | 21 Comments | Tags: PSNStores
If you’re reading this you are now looking at the brand new design for PSNStores! This has been a long time coming and while there have been a lot of changes I’m not here to take up your time. So I just want to cover some things real quick and we can get on with doing what we do. Covering PSN games to the best of our ability.
First and foremost a big goal with our new design has been to ensure that it’ll look great no matter what screen you’re viewing it on. Desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. (If you really want to you can even check out the site through the Vita web browser! I think that’s pretty cool.) The website will scale and reposition certain elements depending on what device you’re using to ensure it looks the best that it can no matter the screen size.
Putting this together has been a lot of work and hopefully everyone likes our new look. Over the next day or so you might notice certain pages of the site look strange or maybe one or two things don’t load correctly. If you find something that is likely broken or if the site isn’t loading correctly for you please let us know either through the comments on here or through twitter. (@PSNStores or @PSPenguin are likely the best places for bug reports.)
Of course we also all want to hear what you think! Let us know your thoughts on the new design in the comments below!