PlayStation Mobile Update – January 22 2014 (ComicStation, Grand Sun R.Y.E.Z.)
Posted by Chris K on January 21st, 2014 | 4 Comments | Tags: ComicStation , Grand Sun R.Y.E.Z. , Kick It , Notepad DX , PlayStation Mobile Store Update
Here is what is new on PSM this week. All descriptions and screens were taken from the PlayStation Mobile store. Games are subject to regional availability.
ComicStation ( $1.99 / ¥200 / £1.59 )
ComicStation allows you to view digital comic book files on your PlayStation Mobile device.
Publisher: Nostatic Software
Size: 3 MB
Players: N/A
Online Leaderboards: N/A
Supports: Touchscreen, Controller, On-screen Controller
Availability: US, UK, JP
Grand Sun: R.Y.E.Z.( $2.99 / £2.39 )
In this quirky action rpg, take the role of Grandsun, a hero tasked with the restoration of the universe… by his grandparents.
Publisher: Black Star Nursery
Size: 26 MB
Players: 1 Player
Online Leaderboards: No
Supports: Touchscreen, Controller, On-screen Controller
Availability: US, UK
Kick It( $1.79 / £1.39 )
Keep the ball in play and try to hit a goal to be the first who gets 10 points and wins. Supports local multiplayer.
Publisher: David Krunic
Size: 8 MB
Players: 1-2 Players (Local)
Online Leaderboards: No
Supports: Touchscreen, Controller, On-screen Controller
Availability: US, UK
Notepad DX( $1.49 / ¥150 / £1.19 )
Create, save, and edit notes from your PlayStation Vita. You can even password protect files!
Publisher: Mitsuhiko Shimomura
Size: 3 MB
Players: N/A
Online Leaderboards: N/A
Supports: Touchscreen
Availability: US, UK, JP