Two years later, Toki Tori is finally coming to PS3 in North American Dec. 17th
Posted by Nick K on December 6th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags: Toki Tori
Toki Tori was released on the European PlayStation Store for PS3 in November 2011. It’s only taken PlayLogic and indie dev Two Tribes two years to bring it to North America. While it may have taken them the same amount of time my son has been alive to do this, Toki Tori remains the same game.
The NA version remains on par with the EU version with features like PlayStation Move motion controller support and even 3D support for 3D capable HTDVs, all coming in this North American release. It will also contain a new mode with 16 new levels exclusive to PS3. This game has the cuteness level cranked well past 11, and as long as you are into 2D puzzle platformers OR little chickens, then Toki Tori is one to watch out for.
Toki Tori has been downloaded over 1.8 million times. It has over 90 levels across four colorfully themed worlds, a child-like appeal safe for all ages, tons of hours worth of gameplay and an addictive soundtrack (we’ll be the judge of that). We will have a review for the NA version before the game comes out on December 17th on PSN for PS3. Let us know what you think of all this in the comments section below…