Class of Heroes 2G brings dungeon crawling to PS3
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on December 21st, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags: Class of Heroes 2G
The debut issue of Retro magazine features an advertisement highlighting an upcoming release from Gaijinworks. Class of Heroes 2G is a PS3 port of the PSP game, Class of Heroes 2. The role-playing dungeon crawler heads to the big screen with new music, new labyrinths, and new monsters to battle. The PS3 version of the game originally launched in 2010 in Japan but the long wait will be worth it, as the western release will feature a new dual-screen mode. Utilizing a PSP or Vita, players can start Remote Play and be greeted to a second screen experience where stats, maps, and game summary information can be found. This also allows users to control the game with the handheld, although those that want to play with a Dualshock can set the portable aside and just use it as a stats screen.
While Gaijinworks’ release of Class of Heroes 2 on PSP had a limited physical run, the current plan for 2G is to be download-only. No pricing details, or exact release windows were shared.
[Source: NeoGAF]