Cosmic Star Heroine coming to PS4 and Vita | PSNStores

Cosmic Star Heroine coming to PS4 and Vita

Posted by on August 30th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags:

Zeboyd Games have previously brought us Breath of Death VII, Cthulu Saves the World as well as the 3rd and 4th installments of the Penny Arcade Adventures RPG. I haven’t personally played all four of them but the ones I have played are great experiences. None of their games have appeared on PlayStation hardware until now. Just moments ago it was announced that their next game, Cosmic Star Heroine, will be releasing in the later half of 2014 on PS4 and Vita.

Alyssa L’Salle is one of the galactic government’s top agents and always manages to save the day! But when she accidentally uncovers a dark conspiracy, her own government outs her as a legendary spy and the people’s champion! Sure, now she has hordes of adoring fans but every villainous organization she’s ever crossed in her career knows who she is and is out for her blood! Can she save the day once more while she faces her greatest challenge… Everyone!?

Cosmic Star Heroine is inspired by Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star, and Suikoden. There’ll be plenty more details on the game in the coming weeks as well as a Kickstarter. Those who kickstart the game at it’s $10 tier will also be able to receive cross-buy codes for the PS4 and Vita versions of the game when it releases.