Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD coming to PSN October 29th
Posted by Curtis H on August 19th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate HD
In the interim between Lords of Shadow and the upcoming sequel Konami released Mirror of Fate on the 3DS as a way to bridge the stories between the two games. Mirror of Fate kept the lore set in place by Lords of Shadow but instead reverted to the side-scrolling action and exploration based gameplay that the series was known for (as well as inadvertently coining a phrase that gets thrown around probably too much).
Mirror of Fate HD will feature “gameplay refinements”, leaderboards, a new Boss Rush mode and an exclusive demo for Lords of Shadow 2 which is scheduled to release this “Winter”. You’ll be able to purchase the game standalone or in a Lords of Shadow collection which will feature the original game and its DLC as well as Mirrors of Fate HD. Currently there hasn’t been an official announcement as to how much either or these will cost.