Chaos Rings coming to PSM this month in Japan | PSNStores

Chaos Rings coming to PSM this month in Japan

Posted by on July 2nd, 2013 | 3 Comments | Tags:

Alongside that crazy Tokyo Jungle news came the announcement that Chaos Rings (previously an Android/iOS/Windows Phone Final Fantasy inspired game) will also be coming to PSM in Japan later this month.

In the game you’ll choose from one of four different “couples” to experience the story through their eyes. Just as you’d expect from any other traditional JRPG you’ll explore dungeons, fight monsters and level up. Apparently it’s going to be “optimized” for the Vita. I imagine that could just mean that you’ll be able to play the game using buttons now.

Currently we have no media for the PSM version of the game but I’ve embedded a trailer for the Android version above if you’re curious. Chaos Rings should be out in Japan sometime this month for ¥800.

[Source: Re: Gigen]