New Sanctum 2 Trailers, Screenshots, and Box Art Revealed | PSNStores

New Sanctum 2 Trailers, Screenshots, and Box Art Revealed

Posted by on April 22nd, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags:

Coffee Stain Studios has unleashed a pair of trailers for their upcoming first-person-shooter-tower-defense hybrid. The first trailer is the official teaser while the second one shows actual gameplay. New in-game screenshots hit the pavement running as well which you can peruse in the gallery below.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/sanctum2/” num=”12″]

Who would’ve thought that a digital release would ever get box art, but I guess the game needs an image for the store. The Sanctum 2 box art reminds me a little of a hand-drawn Faith from Mirror’s Edge. What do you guys think of this media barrage for PSN’s first FPS tower defense game?