Super Brain Eat 3 Coming to PlayStation Mobile | PSNStores

Super Brain Eat 3 Coming to PlayStation Mobile

Posted by on February 6th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags:

The man can’t be stopped. Thomas Hopper has unleashed a small flurry of PSM games onto our Vitas and PlayStation Certified Android devices. This time he’s given Sony Super Brain Eat 3 for certification. If it passes, we may see it hit the PS Store before the end of February.

At first glance, Super Brain Eat 3 is a retro Pacman clone with brains instead of pellets. It features enemy blobs instead of ghosts, stages have all sorts of traps and buttons, and our protagonist can shoot yellow balls of…what is that? Take a gander at the gameplay snippet above and the image galley below.

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[Source: T.A.C.S. Games]