Cross Buy Bentley’s Hackpack For PS3 and Vita Today, Only $2.99 | PSNStores

Cross Buy Bentley’s Hackpack For PS3 and Vita Today, Only $2.99

Posted by on February 5th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags: ,

As somewhat of a surprise to most, a companion game to the new Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time was announced as coming today called Bentley’s Hackpack. It’s a minigames collection that expands on Bentley’s hacking minigames from the new retail release of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time for PS3 and Vita.

Bentley’s Hackpack will feature three games, 60 new missions, hundreds of challenges offering replayability, loot collecting, and cameos of Sly and the gang. Nine levels will be free with the ability to buy the remaining levels for only $2.99. This is a Cross Buy game too, so you only pay once (#YOPO) to get it on PS3 and Vita. Are you Sly enough to get through Bentley’s hellish hackpack?