New PlayStation Mobile Promotion – A Free Game A Week For 6 Weeks | PSNStores

New PlayStation Mobile Promotion – A Free Game A Week For 6 Weeks

Posted by on January 16th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

Sony announced today that starting right now and running for 6 weeks, gamers in regions with PlayStation Mobile will see a free game a week. The first game of the promotion is Samurai Beatdown.

Samurai Beatdown, a rhythm-action game, was a PSM launch title and we gave it a mixed review a while back.

Constantly trying to figure out what beat to follow just made the game feel a bit off when thinking of it as a rhythm game. So if you’ll pardon the pun despite great music and simple gameplay, Samurai Beatdown feels like a rhythm game without a beat. – Curtis

There are plenty of great titles currently available on PlayStation Mobile, like Aqua Kitty. Which games in the PSM library would you like to see become part of this promotion?