Alien Breed Coming to PSN February | PSNStores

Alien Breed Coming to PSN February

Posted by on January 10th, 2013 | 6 Comments | Tags:

If you own a Vita and are familiar with PlayStation Mobile, then you undoubtedly know that the classic Alien Breed is already available. The old school survival horror game is now destined to come to PS3 and Vita as a downloadable PSN game next month.

Alien Breed will soon be on nearly every current generation platform. In addition to the PSM version released last November and the iOS version, a dedicated Android version is also coming soon with support for more than the limited PlayStation Certified devices.

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It is unknown if the PS3 and Vita versions will be #YOPO cross buy games. What is known is this re-release will feature a few exclusive features, including:

  • Story Mode – choose from 30 levels including three new level packs: Convergence, Valiance and Synergy
  • Enhanced visuals or play using the original 16-bit graphics
  • Team up on either PS3™ or PlayStation®Vita via cross-platform play
  • Cross-Platform Continuation Play, carry on your PS3™ save game progress on your PlayStation®Vita, or vice versa!
  • Ad-Hoc and online co-op multiplayer for PlayStation®Vita
  • Local and online co-op multiplayer for PlayStation®3
  • Leaderboards and trophies

Even though some of us already paid for the PSM version, color us excited for the Amiga original Alien Breed native to PS3 and Vita with all those platform specific enhancements. When we learn about a specific release date and price (please be free, please be free) we’ll let you know. Would you rebuy Alien Breed for PS3 and Vita?