Did Sportsfriends Meet its Kickstarter Goal On Time? YES! | PSNStores

Did Sportsfriends Meet its Kickstarter Goal On Time? YES!

Posted by on December 10th, 2012 | 3 Comments | Tags: , , , ,

Whether or not you’re in the know about Indie game development or the local multiplayer scene, enough people were and have fully funded Sportsfriends via Kickstarter. This means the developers of Johann Sebastian Joust, BaraBariBall, Super Pole Riders, and Hokra need not worry about having enough money to make these games.

Once the games complete development for PS3, the Sony Pub Fund will step in with their own money to help out with publishing and marketing the games. In theory, this is a huge advancement for the revolution of local multiplayer games and further proof that Indie game developers are getting plenty attention.

Doug Wilson is the co-owner of Die Gute Fabrik and creator of the only game I’ve ever seen to NOT support a TV screen. The Kickstarter goal was set at $150,000, which is quite high if you ask any of us. Supposedly, the games have been playable as an alpha build for quite sometime.

Die Gute Fabrik has managed to raise over $158k. We’ll have to wait and see what each developer in the Sportsfriends collection can do with their own $40k. Aside from testing and bug squashing, what could be added to any of the games that would increase their value when they release on PSN in late 2013?

[Source: Kickstarter]