Arctic Adventures Brain Freeze Coming To PlayStation Mobile Tomorrow | PSNStores

Arctic Adventures Brain Freeze Coming To PlayStation Mobile Tomorrow

Posted by on November 19th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: , ,

As we reported as week Arctic Adventures Brain Freeze will be making its way to PlayStation Mobile starting tomorrow. If you have been playing games on the PlayStation Network for some time, the Arctic Adventures name might sound familiar as there are both PS3 and minis titles. Brain Freeze expands upon that with even more content.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/psm/brainfreeze/” num=”11″]

If you have played either of the previous titles you know how the game works, you play as a polar bear and you need to push ice blocks so that you can find your way to an exit as quickly and efficiently as possible. Brain Freeze offers up 50 new stages to tackle, but will also have in-app purchases for all of the levels from the old games. Also new to the game is the implementation of an “Undo” button, so now you might find it easier to complete the challenging levels towards the end of the game.

We will have some impressions of the game up tomorrow after the PSM Store updates so be sure to check back.