Toe Jam and Earl Groovin on PSN November 6th | PSNStores

Toe Jam and Earl Groovin on PSN November 6th

Posted by on October 10th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

As part of the SEGA Vintage Collection on PSN, both Toe Jam & Earl and Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron are set to release November 6th for $4.99 each.

The first game has Toe Jam & Earl traversing our home planet of Earth, a foreign world to them, in an effort to recover the scattered pieces of their broken ship and return to their home planet of Funkotron.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/toejamandearl/” num=”4″]

The sequel takes the pair back to Funkotron safely, only to discover an unexpected guest or two aboard their vessel, and now Funkotron is infested with Earthlings. Collecting the Earthlings into jars and shipping them back home is part of the fun that made these Genesis originals so memorable.

Both games are being retreated with trophies and online co-op support for their November 6th PSN release.